Jul 8, 2022Liked by Data Humanist

The quality of this analysis is insane, thank you!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Data Humanist

“A proper capitalist will sell you the rope to hang him. Or yourself.” Too true.

John Kerry (or ‘Lurch’ in honor of the Addams family butler) squawks ‘Ecocide’ as if bluster of Western economic superiority should be enough to bring these emerging nations in tow, into US/EU/NATO acquiescence. This is the same Secretary of State who had the gall to say “We didn’t lie to anyone” regarding the False Flag at Benghazi.

I appreciate the data analysis. It seems juvenile to make declarations propping up one of the more corrupt countries, while neglecting one’s own national interests. Same old bankrupt finances and vision for prosperity on Earth. The Agenda of WEF types lack sustainably while preaching and imposing via destabilizing self destruction.

The West is getting close to having enough rope for hanging equitably.

“Stultus vir pericula belli laudat.”

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Few people understand how important this is. Thanks for shedding light on the subject. Will link today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ to help spread the news!!!

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