Dude, they retracted the Kostoff paper a couple weeks ago that adjusted deaths to be in line with those actually caused by COVID in order to conduct a proper risk benefit analysis. Science is dead. Well, academia anyway. Thanks for the consistently quality analysis and exposition!

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Thanks. So we can hold the American funeral for risk-benefit analysis, and with that, the First Rule of "Do No Harm." Not going to lie to you -- this is getting worrisome. No solutions outside of Big Pharma. The United States of Comorbidity seems our future, and if you opt out by taking personal responsibilty for your own health -- as you and I both have -- you could be variously labelled a facist, a conspiracy theorist, or anti-science.

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I'm actually pretty optimistic. John Carter just wrote this great article about how the center of gravity for science is changing: https://barsoom.substack.com/p/the-temple-and-the-network?s=r Bullshit like this is just going to accelerate the process. Even though neither of us has a huge readership, we both enjoy a larger audience than the average peer reviewed paper. If I'm not mistaken, most aren't read by hardly anyone after they make it through peer review. These labels are just turning into feedback letting you know you're on the right path. Instead of assassinating character, they signal you have strong character. I'm also becoming convinced that among serious scientists and medical providers, having foregone the covid vaccine will be an indicator of superior clinical reasoning skills. After all, competent scientists that aren't plagued by ideology fundamentally at odds with an unassuming search for truth can easily recognize that absolute risk reduction is negative for these treatments. Finally, we've been gifted a proxy for who has excellent judgment and commitment to principles. I feel like we're both a part of a new and exciting community that will easily be able to push back against this tide of bullshit. As the rage against the machine song goes, "you are the witness of change and to counteract... we gotta take the power back!"

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Excellent read -- thank you for the link. I will work on optimism!

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The younger the more significant obesity factors into bad outcomes. I still don't trust their death figures attributed to Covid. A lot of pneumonia deaths and other deaths called 'covid' for the government lottery bonus $$.

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True absolutely. Strong financial incentives for reporting cases as Covid. Numbers are shaky, but one has to work with what is there-- with the cautions noted.

No real effort to separate dying with Covid, dying from Covid, or seems to have had Covid at time of death. Etc.

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