Thank you for your thoughtful support. I am deeply touched. My maternal grandmother lost her 5 sisters in the Holocaust. She was the only sibling who survived. This is a deep wound for many Jewish Americans. Thanks for bringing light into this dark time that we've been forced to endure.

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This is excellent! I’m going to send this out to some friends. Very good info.

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Thank you, Vernon. I believe more Americans need a global perspective on this.

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This is an excellent review and commentary. Thank you for your cogent thoughts on the matter.

I would just add to your data from VAERS, some additional data from VigiAccess which is the Adverse Event reporting system of the W.H.O. for the entire world. Six months ago, I did a search on VigiAccess of the worldwide number of adverse events from the vaccines for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and then did a similar, but more painstaking search for adverse events from all the other vaccines ever administered around the world. What I discovered was truly disturbing.

What I found was that, at the time, the number of adverse events for the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines numbered around 2,400,000 worldwide in just 1 1/2 years. In comparison, the total adverse events for ALL other vaccines combined, was around 1,300,000, and that was over the course of the past 50 years! Keep in mind, that a recent study also determined that the number of adverse events reported to these monitoring systems was only approximately 1 - 10% of the total number of adverse events taking place.

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Thank you for this. Your addition of the VigiAccess data -- and the historical context for it -- should be welcome by anyone concerned with the truth and with sound public health practices. The vaccine rollouts have been global. We make a mistake if we only focus on the data from USA-centric sources.

I welcome also your clarification that the monitoring systems typically under-record adverse events. We already have many stories from the USA about people trying to report adverse events, and being stonewalled. We should likewise keep in mind that someone who is ill, injured, and/or medically disenfranchised is not in a good position to fight the bureaucracy that is modern healthcare. All the real-world accounts that I have learned of confirm your general claim: adverse events are under-reported. Even when reported, not always faithfully recorded.

Thank you again for your contributions to this discussion here. If you have links or other content to recommend (including your own work, if applicable), please do so!

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