Oct 9, 2023Liked by Data Humanist

As one ponders the state of affairs, try to remember how many times you’ve heard the tagline “War on ___” or the flip side of the same coin, “Safeguarding ___”.

Be it poverty, drugs, terror, disease, disability, women, children, the vulnerable/oppressed...no matter what the government says/does the situation expands, and worsens.

The USA has been at war since its inception; if a foe is not available, then it is manufactured.

You call them ‘power elites’; another calls them the ‘banker anthropologists.’ They make the money; they conjure busts and BOOMS!We are manipulated and enslaved. Television. This mini-super computer in my hand. Hollywood. 9/11. Soros’ DA’s. The 6 major outlets of info. MK Ultra in family friendly drag story hours. Shoot, why not loot!

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Already linked Part 1 will be linking this one today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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You appear to be equating "Civil War" with deliberate fuckery by the CIA.

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