Ah, another excellent source of independent, informative analysis falls into my lap, subscribed! I doubt the ideological enemies of individual liberty that you list so concisely as "the Clinton Foundation, our deep state, and our globalist coastal elites" appreciate the extent to which their efforts have consolidated and energized a class of "new dissidents" opposed to their efforts. Time will tell if they are right to trivialize this effect. I appreciate your efforts and look forward to reading more!

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Thank you for your kind remarks. Much appreciated. Your critical comments on or issues you'd like to debate concerning the above are welcome also. Your suggestions (links) to related sources, also welcome.

Although I have a low readership, I am always happy and willing to promote other sources and voices which offer us some sanity, clarity, and factual evidence to help navigate our extended state of Moral Panic. So send it my way -- including when relevant your own work.

Finally, if I produce an image or chart from data, for which I will always source the data, that image or chart is free to use and distribute. So share whatever you please, freely as you please. I look forward to reading H2F Man, your substack.

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I have to dig deep to come up with critical comments on this article as it resonates with my perspective. The only significant critical observation I had while reading is that I'm not sure that life expectancy and per capita GDP are necessarily indicators of the overall health of a society/country. That said, I wouldn't be able to provide any better recommendations. As a general rule I think in such circumstances extrapolation is appropriate, but I try to tag such positions as provisional, at least in my own head.

As far as suggestions for other resources on this topic one of my favorite independent sources for analysis of current affairs is Robert Barnes who I follow here: https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/

He has recommended a couple different sources regarding this conflict including Alex and Alexander from The Duran: https://theduran.locals.com/ as well as a gentlemen who runs an email newsletter by the name of Jacob Dreizen. Finally, you're probably familiar with Eugyppius from his coverage of covid and academia, but I thought his take on Russia vs. the West as a clash between Politics and System is fascinating: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/ukraine-and-the-global-american-empire?s=r

I appreciate the engagement and look forward to reading more of your work as well!

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Thank you for the reply, suggestions, and links.

Life Expectancy and Per Capita GDP (PPP) are imperfect, but still I think they can be insightful if we track them over time. To keep Life Expectancy good or rising, a nation needs to be doing an number of things right. The more shaky one it seems to me is Per Capita GDP (PPP), which doesn't track wealth distribution, income equality, property ownership, and so on. It's a rough guide. Just that when it goes down and/or stays stagnant, usually any good public spending likewise goes down. So things like roads, education, and available money for small businesses also suffer. That said, I agree you would want to look much more for a national risk analysis. Still, it's my hope the broad historical trends that the above data shows might offer people an improved context for understanding that Russia 2022 is not the big, bad bear that was Russia of the Soviet Union.

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