"We are not illiterate peasants, serfs, or slaves. Whether “middle class” or “marginalized,” we share the collective historical condition of individualized persons with complex social experiences and opinions."

Once enough of the old, who remember, have been culled, and the next generations, a lot of them diminished in their ability to read people thanks to mask mandates in schools during their development etc, confused by all the gender garbage and other ways of messing with developing minds, maximized dependance on the overlords offering solutions to artificial problems, having gone through the "education system" which is also changing ever more to turn them into something useful for the overlords...

that statement seems a bit less powerful.

Have you looked at what universities are churning out lately? They know all about critical whiteness, and what else counts in life... Having to be able to tie your shoes is oppressive, though.

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Good selections, will be linking this today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Victor I follow, although he can get a little too far right at times. In general he has good analysis on most things,

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Whenever I see someone talking about how this or that is "inevitable," my BS detector goes off. And whenever I see people talking about "the pandemic" as if it was a naturally-occurring surprise, my BS detector goes off. And when I see very wealthy people with economic/political power, I am very suspicious.

I think people are very reluctant to see what is in front of their faces, very unwilling to believe that Humanity is poised to suffer unthinkable (since maybe the Dark Ages) strife, suffering, and death.

Until a tipping point is reached, in which the numbers of those who are able to "take in" the situation at hand, we will continue to allow the Nasties to further their agenda, making the way out of this hell they bring more and more challenging.

If, right now, everyone could see that ANY compliance, any at all, is like giving the car thief the keys to your vehicle, we are dragging our feet when we should be working on solutions.

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Some great works there. Wish I had more time for reading. Surveillance capitalism really synthesized the potential techno dystopian path nobody can see we are presently racing down. It's the one book I've been gifting for two years, naively thinking it might change not just minds but behavior.

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