A brief history lesson with maps and charts, offering a fairly simple explanation for Putin's obsession with Ukraine in the light of post-Cold War NATO expansion.
Nice roundup of the recent literature and succinct explanation for why Putin's been warning about this for fifteen years. They've intentionally ignored the warnings. Can I use one of your maps with credit? Great piece today by David Stockman if you haven't seen it:
Thanks. I put the maps under CC0 -- Public Domain. Use away! FYI, worked on that and posted it before I caught up with your more recent posts. (Busy here -- that work thing). Get some links to your Ukraine stuff next time!
Nice roundup of the recent literature and succinct explanation for why Putin's been warning about this for fifteen years. They've intentionally ignored the warnings. Can I use one of your maps with credit? Great piece today by David Stockman if you haven't seen it:
Just now finishing the David Stockman article -- exceptional indeed, thank you.
Thanks. I put the maps under CC0 -- Public Domain. Use away! FYI, worked on that and posted it before I caught up with your more recent posts. (Busy here -- that work thing). Get some links to your Ukraine stuff next time!