Very well done article. So many of my fellow Americans have decided to pick a "side" in this conflict without having even a basic understanding of the history between the countries and the people. My Mother's parents emigrated to the U.S. from Ukraine so I had a passive interest in the country, but you have even helped my understanding of some things.

Can I nit-pick 1 small item ? Number 3 in your list: Helped lay the groundwork for, and may have directly instigated, an armed, far-right coup in Ukraine. This coup replaced a democratically elected pro-Russian government with an unelected pro-Western one. I do not think it is accurate to call Viktor Yanukovych Pro Russian, I know that is the label he has been given, but from his actions, it appears he was attempting to work with both sides without choosing 1 over the other. This is actually the best course of action for a small weak and POOR country which needs favorable conditions just to survive. Take politics out and just look at Ukraine's economy after 2014 when they chose the U.S. as their "sugar daddy". The only metric that rose was the rampant corruption by the oligarchs making deals with U.S. politician's family members.

Other than that, a very detailed explanation. I hope that many Americans "see" and read this history. Your picture of the "future" seems as though you place much weight on the "international community" which being truthful, only means the U.S. and it's vassal states. I do not think Russia cares any longer what these biased, controlled institutions "think" or recognize. The U.S. has dramatically overplayed it's hand. IF Ukraine continues to refuse neutrality and a break with the U.S. politically, I am afraid they will become a land locked "Rump" state.

The numbers for Ukraine are horrific. How many millions have fled the country, and they are saying they will never go back. The Nationalists, are mostly dead or are walking wounded never to fight, work, or be productive again. How will Ukraine ever have a real economy? Bring in millions and millions of migrants from Africa or Asia? That will be just wonderful with all of the stolen weapons being stockpiled in Ukraine. How will the "leaders" of the extremist (Nazi) movements react to millions of "those people" (their label) brought in to their country. I could go on but my point is, making a deal with Russia is the only way forward in my mind but that won't happen until Elensky is removed.

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Thank you for your thoughtful and deeply informed comment. I am following Abelow, my source, on that point. Viktor Yanukovych, as you correctly point out, got in trouble with the West and the Galician idealists (aka, the Banderites or Neo-Nazis) because he tried to get the best deal in terms of trade agreements and loans for Ukraine. This according to Petro (cited above) who studied the matter carefully. Summarized below.

The EU made Yanukovych a very poor offer -- which was also exclusive. Ukraine would have needed so sever key economic trade arrangements with Russia. He said "No." Wisely, and in agreement with the business community. The EU then finally made Ukraine a better offer. Still not quite as good as the existing Russian relationship but tempting. Yanukovych, also in negotiation with Russia over trade and so on, then got a much stronger and better counter-offer from Russia. So in the best interests of Ukraine, he took it and rejected the EU offer. With that, the West (the USA) stepped in and supported / instigated the 2014 coup.

So it does seem that Yanukovych was trying to do what was best for Ukraine overall, and with some general public support. But because he took the Russian offer, his fate was sealed. I agree with your qualification -- but the West, of course, can only view him as Pro-Russian. Thank you again for stopping by, and contributing!

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I hope I was not too negative, I really do appreciate anyone who would do a deep dive into the entire situation. Your article was really very good.

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