
Thank you! Glad you still check in. I've been away for a while -- but I am back now.

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Thanks for the "on the ground" take on the Chinese sleeper cell issue. That theory always felt intuitively wrong to me, but I could never articulate why. I will be sending this around.

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Excellent thesis and supporting documentation. You have given me the first working theory that makes sense...as much as any of our idiot lords' machinations could actually make sense to one of the powerless serfs like me:)

One quibble with the Carlson/Weinstein theorizing: Weinstein was travelling with Michael Yon and Chris Martenson (I only know because I listen to Martenson). So his view was facilitated by one of the two OG journo's of the area.

I assume this lack of "collective historical condition" is magnified by the lack of a common language and idiom. Again, excellent analysis and context.

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