I cannot come up with an excuse for the likes of Nuland or any of the other USAid types can make for themselves. The level of cynical evil it takes to act like an advocate for a a people and place that you have willfully destroyed is mind boggling. The mainstream news reporting the sex trafficking without historical context though many of them had reported on it in earlier years also raises the question: they can't be that ignorant, can they? If they are not that ignorant, then how do they sleep?

I look forward to Part II (though the info is tough to take for an average American citizen.)

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One good thing about our enemies is that they are incredibly honest. They let us know years ahead of time what they are going to do. If we don't prepare, it's our own fault.

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Apr 15Liked by Data Humanist

...and there has been a few people (Brian Berletic) for one has been showing repeated reports from Rand Corp. and others explaining in detail what the US State Dept. along with intel agencies have been doing for decades. The media along with US oligarchy have easily hid all of this behind the evil dictator of country X. I wonder if people of the west are just willing to refuse to see, it is pretty blatant

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