I cannot come up with an excuse for the likes of Nuland or any of the other USAid types can make for themselves. The level of cynical evil it takes to act like an advocate for a a people and place that you have willfully destroyed is mind boggling. The mainstream news reporting the sex trafficking without historical context though many of them had reported on it in earlier years also raises the question: they can't be that ignorant, can they? If they are not that ignorant, then how do they sleep?

I look forward to Part II (though the info is tough to take for an average American citizen.)

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Thank you both for your comment, and also your concern for what has been going on. Yes, sorry and sadly, once a person starts to dig into the history and the data, it becomes apparent the American -- and even Western -- MSM is doing considerably more propaganda than journalism on Ukraine, and prior to that, on the Covid pandemic.

A warning about Part II. In the abstract, the major claims might seem batshit bat-virus crazy Alex Jones on steroids. That's how we've been taught box out and ignore dissenting accounts. But the document trail (the chronology) and the similarities in statements are undeniable. I am sorry to say that we do have apparent sociopaths either calling the shots or influencing the shot-callers at the highest level of our government. It can be overwhelming.

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Why come up with an excuse? lol Yeah, I hear you, and agree.

But who says they SLEEP? More likely, they're worried about being "outed" by blackmail and whatever other nastiness the Nasties have on them, to control them... blackmail, threats, etc etc... it's how the Evil Ones can get SO MANY behind their nefarious plans. Well, and then there's just those who ENJOY being EVIL... What the actual HELL. But there it is-- some people have no ethics. They think they'll be rewarded. They think they'll be SPARED...

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People are also scared. They think they will be spared and even protected, as you say. This just means that many of them will be -- metaphorically speaking -- on the dinner table at a later date. It's honestly horrible. Hope you are doing well. Been a while -- that's on my end, not yours.

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I'm doing okay for what's been going on with me... Long story. Hell. And I say what I say because there are entities who are persecuting me in a most unpleasant way who are, perhaps unbeknownst to themselves, VERY tiny little fish in a VERY tiny little pond, all puffed up with their own "power," and having NO CLUE as to what happens to people like themselves...

The banality of Evil and the sheer THRILL it gives the tiny little fishes... Creepy, sad, and just pathetic.

Hope YOU are doing well!

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“How do they sleep?”

Hanging inverted, with their wings folded tightly by their sides, I suspect.

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One good thing about our enemies is that they are incredibly honest. They let us know years ahead of time what they are going to do. If we don't prepare, it's our own fault.

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The post on Soros is coming up. It is shocking how well his grandiose schemes stated in 1993 have aged. This NATO is very much the one he envisioned.

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...and there has been a few people (Brian Berletic) for one has been showing repeated reports from Rand Corp. and others explaining in detail what the US State Dept. along with intel agencies have been doing for decades. The media along with US oligarchy have easily hid all of this behind the evil dictator of country X. I wonder if people of the west are just willing to refuse to see, it is pretty blatant

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Jay, thank you. Please ALWAYS feel free to share related links and posts and sources here, as well as your own observations, etc. This needs to be a conversation. I do try to acknowledge all my sources, and I am not claiming to be an original thinker. Just someone who is willing to dig into it beyond the MSM or the first page of Google results.

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Believe me, I was agreeing with you not trying to critique your writing or ideas.

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